Wednesday, January 11, 2012

RC Boats Beginners Tips

Ahoy there, Matey! Welcome aboard to the world of radio controlled boats where owning your own sailboat, yacht, battleship, or even a submarine doesn't require a billionaire's budget! The radio controlled boat hobby is a growing one and there are thousands of people all over the world that enjoy taking their radio controlled boats out for a spin on a regular basis. From the young to the old, from beginners to the more seasoned skipper, there is a boat for every taste and a boat for every budget. Some hobbyist love the exhilaration that comes with racing power packed boats against each other in friendly competitions while others prefer to take a slower more calming approach and unwind by cruising their boat down at their local pond or small lake for hours and hours. Taking to your imagination to the high seas has never been easier with RC boats!

One of the main things to consider before buying your boat is the size of the body of water where you will be operating it. Faster boats need larger, more open, bodies of water whereas slower boats can be operated in something as small as your backyard swimming pool. The fastest hobby-grade nitro and gas powered boats can reach top speeds of 50 - 60 mph, so you can see where you could run out of room pretty quickly! These boats are designed for speed and tend to be more expensive and larger in size. One thing to keep in mind is that nitro and gas fueled boats power comes from internal combustion, just like a real car, and do require a fair amount of maintenance which can be a concern if you are not well versed with the functioning of its parts or simply do not have the time to keep the machine tuned. This is where electrically powered boats can jump in and save the day! An individual whom is just starting out in the RC boat hobby may want to get his feet wet with an electrically powered boat. Electrically powered RC boats get their power from bundled rechargeable batteries that you can charge at home off of a standard 120V AC outlet. Electric boats can run for about 20 minutes on fully charged battery pack. These boats are usually much smaller than their nitro or gas counterparts and are generally cheaper as well. Though these boats don't typically meet up to the speed standards set by fuel powered boats, advances in Lithium Polymer battery packs and Brushless motor technology have allowed electric model boats to catch up to the pack. Hobby-grade quality boat speeds generally start at around 20MPH and go up from there, with some higher-end electric models reaching top speeds of 40 mph+ right out of the box. Electrically powered boats run from $30 or less for the basic entry level boats to around $200 for higher-end models. Their ease of maintenance and usage has made electric radio controlled boats an extremely popular choice.

A fourth type of power source that we shouldn't overlook is Wind Power. Just as real life sailboats use the power of the wind acting on sails to propel the boat, so do RC sailboats. Radio controlled sailboats are steered using a hand-held multi-channel radio transmitter that communicates with a corresponding receiver located on the model sailboat. Signals from the radio transmitter are interpreted by the radio receiver and translated into instructions to change the position of the battery operated electric motors, sometimes called servos, also located on the sailboat. One servo controls the position of the sails and the other controls the position of the rudder allowing the boat to be steered. Radio controlled sailboats are a very quiet and peaceful way to enjoy a Saturday afternoon but can be more challenging and harder to master as you have to understand the effects of the wind on your sailboat.

All four categories come in a large choice of designs and styles. Tugboats, speedboats, sailboats, hydroplanes, and pirate ships are just a few examples of the variety that can be found. One particularly unique niche category is the "scale boat" category. "Scale" boats are replicas of full size boats. Many RC enthusiasts like to collect and even build their own scale models of World War II battleships, aircraft carriers, Colonial Era ships, and even submarines! Models can be only a few inches long, or weigh up to hundreds of pounds. The more skillful the builder, the more the model will resemble the original, with details such as planked decks, chrome or brass fittings, and cloth flags.

The world of RC boating is not difficult to get started in. And whether you go prefer the exhilarating, heart pumping, world of Speedboat Racing or the calmer, quieter, more relaxing world of Sailboats, it doesn't have to be an expensive one. RC boating can be both challenging and a lot of fun, and well worth the amount of time and money you invest.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Air Swimmers and Pocket Discs, Great Flying Toys

Many people who are interested in flying kites are also interested in flying toys. If you are ready fo a lot of fun with great flying toys, the original Air Swimmers and Pocket Discs are for you. With very little expense, the Air Swimmers and Pocket Discs can offer a day full of laughs and complete entertainment.

The William Mark Corporation's Air Swimmers are remote controlled flying fish that can actually swim in the air. By pushing the remote control buttons, the fish can move up down, forward and backward, and completely turn around. Their fins and tails actually move, which makes them even more lifelike. These flying fish are amazing to watch and create a "center of attention" moment whenever they are moving in the room. All one has to do is fill the fish with helium and watch them go! They are great for any office in creating a lot of fun and laughter as they move in and out of cubicles or actual rooms. They are also a hit at parties and children love to take the controls and make them swim in the air like a real pro. With a little practice, the fish can be controlled to maneuver in very small spaces but are great to see floating in large rooms, too. Whether you choose the clown fish, the shark, or the bass fish, these Air Swimmers are truly the best for indoor entertainment!

If you are interested in some fun flying toys for indoor or outdoor adventures, the original pocket discs are for you. These non-destructive flying discs are the complete and safe indoor or outdoor flying toy. They fly as well, or better than the plastic discs, but they are very soft to the touch since they are made of 100% cotton. Both adults and kids are known for making up their own games with these flying pocket discs. They are great to use in the park, at the beach, any playground, or even in your own home or back yard. This new flying disc is also a great flying toy to play a game of "fetch" with your dog. The dogs love the soft feel and can play for hours without hurting their mouths or teeth. Not only are the pocket discs a lot of fun for kids and adults of all ages, they are even great as pot holders or hot pads. Who would have thought that a flying toy could also be used in the kitchen, too? With a variety of colors and patterns, there is a Pocket Disc to fit everyone's style.

For all of us kite fliers, these flying toys add another dimension to our objects of flight. With the Air Swimmers, Pocket Discs, stunt kites, glider kites and other party kites, there is never a day without flying fun!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Thrill of Indoor Skydiving

Many thrill seekers have found indoor skydiving to be an exhilarating experience. They enjoy the wind in their faces while feeling as though they have just jumped from an airplane. There is little danger associated with this type of skydiving, so it has become a popular adventure during many family vacations.

What is Indoor Skydiving?

Indoor skydiving is modeled to simulate actual skydiving. Instead of jumping from a plane, visitors are placed in a vertical wind tunnel. Air vents are located in the floor and allow strong air streams to go up through the tunnel. The visitors are then lifted up and suspended in the air. The constant stream of upward air makes the person feel as though he is falling toward the earth, although the air is actually pushing him away. The skydiver's direction in the air can be altered through small changes in body movements.

A brief training session is conducted before participants can skydive. The training usually lasts about 15 minutes. Most facilities then allow participants to take turns in the flight tunnel until they have all had several minutes in the wind tunnel.

Is it Safe?

Skydiving in a wind tunnel is very safe, and it is a good alternative for those that want the experience of skydiving without the danger of jumping from plane. No parachute is required inside the wind tunnel. Many companies provide soft trampolines at the bottom of the tunnel to keep participants from hitting the bottom in a way that may harm them. The sides of the tunnel are even padded with cushions to keep everyone safe. In addition to the well-constructed tunnels, many companies provide short training sessions for those that want to participate. This training teaches them the best ways to begin and end their flight, but they also instruct them on how to control themselves once the air streams lift them up.

Who Should Try It?

Skydiving in a vertical wind tunnel is ideal for those who want a sense of adventure without the danger of jumping from a plane. It is frequently used as training for professional skydivers as well as military personnel. Minor children must meet weight requirements and should be old enough to carefully follow the trainer's instructions. Many facilities have height and weight requirements in order for adults to participate as well. If you have any health problems, you should consult your doctor before you schedule your simulated skydiving experience.

How Do I Sign Up?

Find the nearest skydiving tunnel near you or close to where you will be travelling. Call in advance to schedule your skydiving appointment. The facility will tell you what to wear, which is usually comfortable clothes and shoes with laces. You should allow over an hour in your schedule to accommodate both the training and your time in the wind tunnel.

Indoor skydiving is an unforgettable experience that many participants come back for repeatedly. Whether you choose to do it just for fun or to add it to your family's vacation itinerary, you will not regret your choice to simulate skydiving.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Bodysurfing: Breathing Techniques

Bodysurfing or Handboarding is an old sport turning heads. Handboarding or sometimes referred to as hand planing or hand gunning, is a old sport practiced since the beginning of water sports. It's a fun and great way to keep fit. This is an article on holding your breath underwater and breathing workout tips.


If you Handboard, bodysurf, surf or partake in any sort of water sport you are going to find yourself under the water at some point. Depending on the size of the wave surf or roughness of the river, it depends on the amount of time you are going to spend under the water. Knowing certain breathing practices and keeping on top of a routine can significantly lower the risk in your adventures, and in most cases significantly improve your performance. It should be an essential part of any waterman's routine, and especially us Body surfers. As they say, "Fail to prepare and prepare to fail." It's a good motto to live by.

There is very little that's less scary than being held under, getting twisted around in every direction, and not knowing which way is up. Panic starts to set in! I am sure every waterman has some experience with this. NOT FUN! It is even more important for bodysurfers and Handboarder/Hand-planers to practice breathing exercises because as with the nature of the sport we tend to spend more time under the water than others. The chances of getting a good beating when you're dropping in late on a wedge -bomb is that much higher than on stand-up. Not to mention there's less of a chance you'll be able to kick out or over the section. So as a bodysurfer, we tend to cop it on the head a lot more. I'm sure you'll agree that's part of the fun. Getting hammered for me is part of the allure. However, you have to know how to be able to deal with the beating, or it could be your last. You would not step into an UFC Octagon without at least the basics on martial arts...and Mother Nature can be a lot more violent and destructive than any UFC Fighter.

The following are some tips from various sources and Professionals. There are tips on how to improve your breathing and fitness simply through diaphragm control. There are also tips from the pros on how to better deal with a hold down. What to do and what not to do. These are simple procedures that could save your life.


I am a singer and a swimmer. Both which have made me a conscious natural breather. Most of you may protest: "I know how to breathe! Duh! "My response is: "No, you don't." The majority of people do not consider their breathing habits on a daily basis. At night though, your body subconsciously takes over as you dream, unaware you revert to a natural healthy breathing pattern. The pattern is there, it is an innate human function, now we just need to teach you the difference and fix the bad habit...easy right?

Let us start with what you're doing now. We're taught to stand up tall, shoulders back, tummy sucked in- tall and thin. Unfortunately, this causes the bad habit of short, shallow breathing. Shallow chest breathing delivers less air per breath into the lungs in turn constricting our blood vessels. The imbalance in turn delivers less oxygen to the brain, heart and rest of the body. Less oxygen in turn promotes fatigue, tension and tightness which all cause stress.

Shallow breathing prevents the body from getting enough oxygen. Many people fail to breathe deeply when they feel tense, which is one reason they may feel zapped at the end of a stress-filled day. "The general principles of correct breathing are to make it deeper, slower, quieter, and more regular." Doing so helps you force more oxygen into your cells, which slows heart rate, lowers blood pressure, and improves circulation. This provides more energy, which is ultimately the goal to improving your ability. That way you can do activities like bodysurfing, surfing, snowboarding for longer and more effectively.

The most important muscle in our breathing function is the diaphragm. The diaphragm is an arc, which lies at the bottom of the lungs. Now, take your hands off the keyboard and feel the crevice in the center of your core, just under your rib cage- see where the ribs and lungs meet forming a ^? Just below that is your diaphragm. In order for your diaphragm to work properly, we must deny social beauty and allow our tummies to stick out- just a bit. Take a deep breath in from your nose and down to the pit of your stomach, feel the airflow through your entire body. Your shoulders will remain flat, and your upper chest still. There you go! You are putting your diaphragm to work!

In that one breath you allowed the appropriate level of oxygen to flow through your body. Practically double the amount of oxygen than shallow breathing allows. The oxygen then hits your blood, begins its circulation while stimulating higher levels of energy. Maintaining the correct amount of oxygen needed for our bodies also balances our pH levels and carbon dioxide levels. The brain, which hogs most of our oxygen, will now operate more efficiently.

What does this have to do with singing and swimming? Everything! Singing in its most basic form is breathing on pitch. Control and understanding of my breath allows me to hit those notes and shatter windows. On the other hand, as an athlete, the common misuse of breathing causes you to become fatigued easily, effecting your rhythm, timing and speed. Adapting and practicing the art of natural deep breathing with your diaphragm has an immediate dramatic effect on your performance. A questionable practice of professional swimmers is using an inhaler just before a race; it helps them to shave just enough time off. The inhaler does the same thing your diaphragm does- except you're doing it naturally without medicine. Not only have we improved our speed and performance, proper deep breathing allows for relaxation and calmness. Yoga is centered on these breathing exercises. Without proper diaphragmatic breathing, you cannot reach the desired state of deep meditation. For water sports, breathing properly is essential to a better workout and allowing you to remain in control while submerged. Through practice, your newfound awareness of your breath will allow you to practice your sports at a higher performance level.